Anche quest'anno sto assemblando un po' di materiale per fare promozione a Fedora durante il prossimo Linux Day.
Se siete tra gli organizzatori di qualcuno di questi eventi o semplicemente vi piacerebbe promuove Fedora all'evento a cui partecipate (il primo passo per diventare un Ambassador del progetto) per favore riempite questo form di richiesta; compatibilmente con il numero dei supporti che riceverò cercherò di accontentare tutti.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fixing Thunderbird to open URL links in Firefox
After I moved my previous Fedora 14 installation to Fedora 16 (Beta) I noticed clicking URL links in Thunderbird do not open Firefox (or any other browser I have installed) anymore.
It was not easy to find a fix (there are many results in google for variations of the same problem) but in the end I found out why I am experiencing this, so I'm leaving a note here for reference.
In Fedora 14 I installed Firefox 5 from Spot's personal repository, so I had to change the default command to run on URL clicks from "firefox %s" to "firefox5 %s". The problem is that I ported the /home directory to the new installation, so it inherited that settings that is obviously wrong now.
Unfortunately, I could not find anything in the GNOME 3 interface to fix it, so I had to resort to the command line:
This shows the issue:
And this is the fix:
It was not easy to find a fix (there are many results in google for variations of the same problem) but in the end I found out why I am experiencing this, so I'm leaving a note here for reference.
In Fedora 14 I installed Firefox 5 from Spot's personal repository, so I had to change the default command to run on URL clicks from "firefox %s" to "firefox5 %s". The problem is that I ported the /home directory to the new installation, so it inherited that settings that is obviously wrong now.
Unfortunately, I could not find anything in the GNOME 3 interface to fix it, so I had to resort to the command line:
This shows the issue:
$ gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command firefox5 %s
And this is the fix:
$ gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command -t string "firefox %s" $ gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/https/command -t string "firefox %s"
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Linux Day 2011 - 22 Ottobre

Organizzato dalla Italian Linux Society (ILS) fin dal 2001, il Linux Day è diventato un appuntamento tradizionale del mese di Ottobre per la promozione di Linux e del software libero.
Come sempre i vari comitati organizzativi, facenti spesso capo ai Linux User Group (LUG) locali, hanno pensato diverse tipologie di eventi con talk divulgativi e tecnici, install fest, laboratori e tavole rotonde.
Cercherò di pubblicare una lista dei Linux Day che vedono la presenza (ufficiale o meno) di Fedora. Se avete in programma un talk, un install fest, oppure semplicemente sarete in prima fila con il vostro PC Fedora, mandatemi una mail con i dettagli e vi includo nella lista.
Comunque sia, un avvenimento da non perdere!
Friday, October 7, 2011
HOWTO: condividere una connessione su Fedora 15
E' passato ormai parecchio tempo da quando parlai di come condividere una connessione wireless con altri PC collegati via cavo ethernet, una feature introdotta per la prima volta da Fedora 10.
Nel frattempo è arrivato GNOME 3, in cui il pannello di controllo di NetworkManager è stato praticamente riscritto, perdendo (per ora) la possibilità di editare ed aggiungere nuove connessioni.
In attesa che tale funzione torni accessibile in quache forma, è comunque possibile procedere come segue:
1. passare in modalità Overview ed eseguire nm-connection-editor; da notare che cercando "conn" come ho fatto io si trovano due applicazioni praticamente identiche nella icona e nel nome. Quella che ci interessa è della sezione "APPLICAZIONI"
2. Nella tab "Via cavo" premere il tasto "Aggiungi"
3. Dare un nome alla connessione, disattivare la connessione automatica, selezionare "Condiviso con altri computer" e poi salvare
4. non rimane che collegare il cavo e selezionare la nuova connessione
A questo punto le macchine collegate via cavo acquisiranno un IP e potranno accedere a internet attraverso il nostro PC
Nel frattempo è arrivato GNOME 3, in cui il pannello di controllo di NetworkManager è stato praticamente riscritto, perdendo (per ora) la possibilità di editare ed aggiungere nuove connessioni.
In attesa che tale funzione torni accessibile in quache forma, è comunque possibile procedere come segue:
1. passare in modalità Overview ed eseguire nm-connection-editor; da notare che cercando "conn" come ho fatto io si trovano due applicazioni praticamente identiche nella icona e nel nome. Quella che ci interessa è della sezione "APPLICAZIONI"
2. Nella tab "Via cavo" premere il tasto "Aggiungi"
3. Dare un nome alla connessione, disattivare la connessione automatica, selezionare "Condiviso con altri computer" e poi salvare
4. non rimane che collegare il cavo e selezionare la nuova connessione
FUDCon Milan
Last week end I participated to FUDCon EMEA in Milan.
This was my first FUDCon hence I did not really know what to expect from such an event, but looked forward to a great experience.
I arrived on late Friday (could not leave work earlier, so I missed FUDPub), yet early enough to meet the first batch of Fedora friends in the Hotel hall; Christoph Wickert, Pierros Papadeas, Abdel Martinez, Gent Thaçi (just to name a few) were all there. Meeting some people in person for the first time after months (if not years) of email/IRC communications was weird and refreshing at the same time.
I was very tired from the trip, so I tried to have some sleep but not before having a beer at a nearby restaurant with Jared Smith, Francesco Crippa, Robyn Bergeron and Federico Simoncelli
Day 1
Jared Smith started the event with an introduction talk, followed by BarCamp talk proposals. It was the first time I saw this kind of conference style in action and I realized it's a really a good way to keep the audience involved and focused.
It was very hard to choose between the great range of proposed topics. In the end, I settled for a mix of more descriptive (like Jared talk about the FPL role) and technical. In particular, I really appreciated:
When the talks ended we were guided in the Milan streets and metro by Jared and his clearly visible red hat. You never know when a piece of red garment will be most useful... We finally reached the chosen pizza place, named Troppapizza (translated "too much pizza"...) and our cheerful group invaded the rooms :)
Really a lot of pizza was eaten (they continue to feed you unless your table signals everyone is full by turning a cube on the red side) along with liters and liters of beer... I'd call it successful event, yet the pizza IMHO was not at a very high standard. The fun evening was very long and ended well beyond 1:00 AM so I decided to come back to the hotel and avoid a massive headache the next morning...
Day 2
The next day was for hackfest. I had my PC with me to see if I could participate in some random hacking, but in the end I just followed the secondary arch/ARM discussion (a very interesting, but deep and technical). We also had with some italian friends an impromptu packaging session where I was happy to show how they could build a simple rpm from scratch in few minutes.
This day, the most interesting/useful session was the Ambassadors one, were several topics about organization, reimbursements and streamlining the various procedures were discussed. I am confident the changes that will be implemented will help all the Ambassadors to better do their job to spread Fedora even more.
In terms of organization I think Francesco Crippa and his ByteCode crew did a fantastic job at preparing every details: location, catering, swag, social events were all top notch.
My expectations were mostly met, except for the hackfest session were I probably looked forward an easier way to get into areas of the Project I never participated into. I've read elsewhere this was an unusually short FUDCon, so maybe it contributed to this particular shortcoming.
All photos by Nicu Buculei
I just found out this video, featuring few nice shots including the Beefy Miracle appearance at the pizza dinner!
This was my first FUDCon hence I did not really know what to expect from such an event, but looked forward to a great experience.
I arrived on late Friday (could not leave work earlier, so I missed FUDPub), yet early enough to meet the first batch of Fedora friends in the Hotel hall; Christoph Wickert, Pierros Papadeas, Abdel Martinez, Gent Thaçi (just to name a few) were all there. Meeting some people in person for the first time after months (if not years) of email/IRC communications was weird and refreshing at the same time.
I was very tired from the trip, so I tried to have some sleep but not before having a beer at a nearby restaurant with Jared Smith, Francesco Crippa, Robyn Bergeron and Federico Simoncelli
Day 1
Jared Smith started the event with an introduction talk, followed by BarCamp talk proposals. It was the first time I saw this kind of conference style in action and I realized it's a really a good way to keep the audience involved and focused.
It was very hard to choose between the great range of proposed topics. In the end, I settled for a mix of more descriptive (like Jared talk about the FPL role) and technical. In particular, I really appreciated:
- the Boxgrinder talk by Marek Goldman, I'm sure this tool will be useful for me in the future
- the RPM alternative packaging talk, I think there is room for improvements in package handling at the OS level
- the talk about secondary architectures, and the plans for ARM in particular
![]() |
The FUDCon group. We were a lot! |
When the talks ended we were guided in the Milan streets and metro by Jared and his clearly visible red hat. You never know when a piece of red garment will be most useful... We finally reached the chosen pizza place, named Troppapizza (translated "too much pizza"...) and our cheerful group invaded the rooms :)
Really a lot of pizza was eaten (they continue to feed you unless your table signals everyone is full by turning a cube on the red side) along with liters and liters of beer... I'd call it successful event, yet the pizza IMHO was not at a very high standard. The fun evening was very long and ended well beyond 1:00 AM so I decided to come back to the hotel and avoid a massive headache the next morning...
Day 2
The next day was for hackfest. I had my PC with me to see if I could participate in some random hacking, but in the end I just followed the secondary arch/ARM discussion (a very interesting, but deep and technical). We also had with some italian friends an impromptu packaging session where I was happy to show how they could build a simple rpm from scratch in few minutes.
This day, the most interesting/useful session was the Ambassadors one, were several topics about organization, reimbursements and streamlining the various procedures were discussed. I am confident the changes that will be implemented will help all the Ambassadors to better do their job to spread Fedora even more.
In terms of organization I think Francesco Crippa and his ByteCode crew did a fantastic job at preparing every details: location, catering, swag, social events were all top notch.
My expectations were mostly met, except for the hackfest session were I probably looked forward an easier way to get into areas of the Project I never participated into. I've read elsewhere this was an unusually short FUDCon, so maybe it contributed to this particular shortcoming.
All photos by Nicu Buculei
I just found out this video, featuring few nice shots including the Beefy Miracle appearance at the pizza dinner!
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